Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Theoretical Underpinnings Pertaining To Self-Harm Research Paper

The Theoretical Underpinnings Pertaining To Self-Harm - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the definition of self-harm as acts committed deliberately with the purpose of inflicting injury or damage to one’s self. D’Onofrio argued that despite the fact that 1 out of 100 Americans inflict harm on themselves as a way to cope with stress, the subject remains taboo and is perceived by others as deviant behavior. This is proven by the social stigma instigated by medical professionals and lay people alike. In medical terms, self-inflicted violence or self-mutilation is characterized by committing harm to one’s self to the extent of causing considerable tissue damage or visible marks which persist for days. The following paragraphs discuss the theoretical underpinnings pertaining to self-harm: Self-harm is different from acts which are considered suicidal, ritualistic, sexual, or ornamental. Individuals who perform self-harm usually get treated by physicians and mental health professionals. However, treatments provided to these in dividuals apparently does more harm than good due to social stigma and the lack of self-harm information available to medical and mental health practitioners. For clarification on the concept of self-harm, Gratz and Chapman provided the following characteristics: (1) self-harm is done on purpose without intent of killing one’s self; (2) physical injury inflicted is instantaneous; (3) self-harm is perceived as a type of coping mechanism; (4) self-harm may be committed by anyone regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or social class; (5) self-harm is committed by individuals with psychiatric disorders, as well as high school and college students; and (6) incidents of self-harm become less as people get older. Gratz and Chapman devised a checklist for gauging risk factors of self-harm. The checklist is divided into three categories: (1) impulsivity; (2) neuroticism or negative emotions; and (3) childhood experiences. Impulsiveness covers gratification, thrill-seeking, and need f or stimulation. Meanwhile, neuroticism and negative emotions cover depression, anger, sadness, and stress. Finally, childhood experiences consist of questions regarding mistreatment, parental relationship, emotional support, and punishment. There are eight common misconceptions about self-harm. First, people think that self-harm is synonymous with suicide. However, the intent of the act is what differentiates self-harm from suicide.

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